109 World

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109 designs and hosts curated experiences to raise awareness and support impactful initiatives worldwide. We work with individuals and corporations to create change focused on eight areas: (1) women empowerment; (2) water; (3) children; (4) education; (5) animals; (6) food security; (7) the environment; and (8) wellbeing. The goal is for each individual that takes part on a 109 experience to learn how reconnecting with their truly authentic selves through mindfulness & wellbeing is a powerful tool to transform their lives, their organizations, and the world for better. With a foundation of self awareness, 109 provides insights and empathy for real world challenges and the solutions positioned to solve them. Additionally, we leverage social media as a powerful tool for the betterment of humanity, that’s why we work with social media influencers and launch global campaigns – to inspire millions of individuals to be the change they want to see in the world.

Learn more at:   https://109world.com/