Bpeace (Business Council for Peace)

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The Business Council for Peace lifts international communities in need by advising local entrepreneurs on how to scale their business to create significant employment for all and expand the economic power of women. We believe: More jobs mean less violence®


Sharing your skills makes a positive impact on the world!

In challenged economies, the Business Council for Peace (Bpeace) reaches out to entrepreneurs running small and growing businesses. We connect them to business volunteers (Skillanthropists), who offer guidance geared to foster expansion.

Through long-distance mentoring or in-country visits, Bpeace Skillanthropists share their expertise in HR, finance, strategy, marketing and manufacturing, and provide technical advice for industries ranging from food processing to technology, to professional services.

Jobs reduce poverty and desperation.

Together, we create growth and more jobs. The outcome is increased community capacity and stability--and a reduction in the poverty and desperation that so often seed violence.

Learn more at bpeace.org

Learn more at:   http://www.bpeace.org/