Westland School

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Westland School is an elementary school committed to progressive education. At Westland, we repeatedly ask children to observe and reflect on the power—and the responsibility—of the individual in the context of the group as well as the group’s responsibility to the school. This notion is at the heart of our country’s democracy—and democracy is at the very heart of Westland School’s mission. In 1949, our founders called the learning at Westland vital. This vitality is rooted in progressive ideals: community, service, equity, and social justice.

Westland focuses on enabling students to be self-motivated and able to view learning as an exciting and rewarding process that will continue throughout their lives.

Westand is a small elementary school with strong roots and a striking history. Like many schools, we are preparing for both off-campus and on-campus learning this school year; while anticipating a combination of both at that time when we are able to return to our campus. Your support will help position Westland to pave progress, elevate democracy, and demonstrate resilience during this global pandemic.

Learn more at:   http://www.westlandschool.org

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