Broadway to Bombay

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Trapped... This is what Broadway to Bombay releases you from.

Imagine you are not able to express or speak about what you feel, or who you love because society forces you to never speak about it, stuff it down and forget about it. Imagine being silenced because society still looks down on people who are different. Imagine being at the mercy of a person who wants to kill you off because you are perceived weaker or different. Much of that still exists in the world we currently live in, including North America, Europe. Our current focus is India, a country where the current culture is hungry to be "un-trapped." Broadway to Bombay is ready to transform a nation.

The history of flag dancing is hazy with many stories originating during the height of the AIDS epidemic. One common story cites waving a handkerchief on the dance floor in honor of a person dying from the disease. We think the community wanted more and they began to sprinkle fairy dust on those tired, old, handkerchiefs and flag dancing was born. In present day India, there are countless stories of lesbian women, gay men and Hijra struggling in society, unable to safely express their sexual orientation. These accounts of suffering motivate us to share our magic fabric with Broadway to Bombay!

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